Enrolling Dependents

State of Florida Plans

If you are enrolled in a State of Florida plan, you can find information about dependents and eligibility here.

If you and your spouse both work for a State of Florida agency, you may be eligible for the state’s Spouse Program and receive discounted health insurance.

UF Select and GatorCare Plans

If you are enrolled in GatorCare and/or UFSelect Voluntary Benefits, you can also cover your eligible dependents. Please follow these steps:

  • Register your dependent online in myUFL.
  • Select the correct family coverage tier for each plan that will cover your dependents.
  • Enroll each dependent in the appropriate plan.
  • Select the Submit button in myUFL.

Note: Health insurance coverage for domestic partners is only available through GatorCare.

Eligible Dependents

  • Your domestic partner – A person you live with, of the same or opposite sex, with whom you are emotionally committed, share a primary residence, and have joint responsibilities for common welfare and financial obligations. Additional criteria can be found on the Affidavit of Domestic Partnership.
  • Your child and/or domestic partner’s child – Your biological child, legally adopted child, or child placed in the home for the purpose of adoption, up to the age of 26.
  • Your child and/or domestic partner’s child with a disability – Your covered child or your domestic partner’s covered child who is permanently mentally or physically disabled. This child may continue health insurance coverage after reaching age 26, provided adequate documentation validating the disability is provided upon request. The child must be unmarried, dependent on you for care and financial support, and have no dependents of their own.
  • Your and/or domestic partner’s child/stepchild – The child of your spouse or domestic partner, of the same or opposite sex, until they turn 26, as long as you remain legally married to or in a domestic partnership with the child’s parent.
  • Your foster child – A child placed in your home by the Department of Children and Families Foster Care Program or a licensed private agency, until the age of 26.
  • Legal guardianship – A child for whom you have legal guardianship in accordance with an Order of Guardianship, until the age of 26.
  • Your and/or domestic partner’s child/grandchild – A newborn dependent of your covered child, with coverage up to 18 months of age as long as the newborn’s parent remains covered.

* Social Security Numbers are required for all dependents. If your dependent does not have a SSN, please contact UFHR Benefits for assistance. To update SSN data for an existing dependent, use the instructions in the Updating SSN instructions for UFSelect guide.